Tracks for Submission

Hello Future Innovators! 🌟

As your course instructors, we couldn't be more excited to lead you through the multiple impactful pathways you can venture into for your final projects. So, let's get those creative juices flowing and build something transformative! 🚀

A Quick Note 📝

Below-mentioned tracks/ideas are not constraints but guiding points, helping you look in multiple directions. For each project, you must try to:

  • Choose an engaging title that sparks curiosity.

  • Identify your end-user and the impacted industry.

  • Feature a user story to give life to your idea.

  • Specify the business impact your project will have.

  • Show how your project leverages the power of Realtime LLMs using the LLM App.

If you're keen to explore ideas beyond what we've listed here, feel free to do so – we're absolutely excited to see where your creativity leads you! To support you on this journey, we've included a few extra resources below. Go ahead and delve into them; we're here to cheer you on every step of the way!! 😄

Crisis Helper 🚨

Description: Interested in emergency solutions? Leverage LLM App's real-time alerting and monitoring features to create life-saving systems that operate during emergencies.

Example Output: Think of a real-time weather and news feed that helps with dynamic evacuation plans or a bot that sends timely alerts based on a user's location.

Rule Keeper ⚖️

Description: In India's bustling fintech scene, compliance is king but often hard to manage for startups and even enterprises. Use the LLM App to create a tool that helps companies stay on top of evolving regulations without sending data to regulatory bodies. It could also be an explainer for key laws coming up in certain domains.

Example Output: Think of a system that instantly alerts startup teams about new regulations or potential compliance issues, streamlining their operations and ensuring they thrive in this competitive market.

Team Sync 🤝

Description: Eager to improve workplace collaboration? Utilize LLM App’s real-time data syncing to enhance cross-functional information sharing within an organization. The Dropbox app could be put to good use here.

Example Output: Picture customer support pulling up the latest bug fixes from the development team’s logs, all in real-time!

Stay Safe 🏭

Description: Passionate about safety measures? Make the most of the LLM App’s alerting and monitoring features to devise a real-time safety alert system.

Example Output: Visualize an industrial setting where staff receives immediate alerts about safety incidents, enriched with sensor data and contextual information.

Financial Guru 📈

Description: Aspiring to revolutionize the finance sector? Harness LLM App's real-time alerts and scalability to craft a live decision-support system.

Example Output: Think of a system that alerts the management or sales teams when a high-value deal or investment reaches a critical juncture.

Trend Setter 🎯

Description: Fascinated by content trends? Utilize LLM App’s unstructured and real-time data handling to align your content with what's hot in the market.

Example Output: Imagine an app that delivers real-time ad recommendations based on current market trends.

Bonus Tracks! 🌟

  • Content Cop: Design a parser that determines the originality of content, be it research papers or problem sets.

  • Research Digest: Overwhelmed by the volume of AI/ML research? Develop a tool that sends weekly summaries of groundbreaking work from your favorite researchers.

  • Open Innovation: Your canvas is blank. Show us your creativity using real-time data and Large Language Models through the LLM App.

Additional Resources 📊

Last updated